Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2011

Historic Amsterdam League

General Membership Meeting

City of Amsterdam Common Council Chambers

January 19, 2011

7:00 PM

1. Call to Order

  • The meeting was called to order by Robert von Hasseln. Approximately 20 persons were in attendance including Trustees von Hasslen, Snyder, Clough, Baranello and Zabawsky. New members were welcomed.

2. Minutes

  • Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3. Presidents Message

  • Robert von Hasseln discussed the efforts to save staff positions at the County archives, and thanked those who supported this successful effort.

4. Reports

  • Jerry Snyder reported that the HAL website should be up within a week. Members will receive an email giving then a website and password or do a preview of the website.
  • Jackie Murphy reported on her work in developing walking tours. She appealed for volunteers, discussed potential tours, and presented a sample pamphlet.
  • Betty Clough discussed a Board of Trade dinner, being planned for the summer, probably in August including a menu, location and type of event.
  • Betty Clough discussed the City Hall Rose Garden project, prior volunteer efforts and need to continue the project. Nick Zabawsky agreed to assist in the effort.
  • Rob von Hasseln indicated that the first HAL newsletter should be out in about a week.
  • Rob von Hasseln discussed the developments with regard to an Historic Preservation Law for the City, and its incorporation into the City zoning law, which is being re-written. We need to watch out for developments in terms of new provisions in the law.

5. Old Business

  • Rob von Hasseln announced efforts to expand the number of honorary members and trustees. Efforts will continue.
  • A resolution in opposition to the relocation of city government from the City Hall was discussed, and after discussion, was unanimously adopted (Resolution 2011-1 attached for reference).
  • A resolution committing funding to an structural analysis of City Hall was discussed and unanimously adopted. (Resolution 2011-2 attached for reference).
  • A resolution thanking the Board of Supervisors thanking them for maintaining positions in the county archives department was discussed and unanimously adopted (Resolution 2011-3 attached for reference).

Note: Resolutions 2011-1, 2011-2, and 2011-3 are located in the Resolutions area of the website.

6. New Business

  • Rob von Hasseln discussed the building of a “doll house”, a model of City Hall as the building appeared in its original form. Rob is looking for volunteers to assist with construction, as well as period appropriate artifacts for the model.

7. Announcements

  • The Walter Elwood Museum will hold a nature talk at the Inman Center on January 20th and 7:00 PM.
  • Nominations are still being accepted for the City of Amsterdam Veterans Service Medal.
  • Amsterdam Reads will hold a “Sunday with the Sanfords” event on January 23rd at City Hall from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

8. Next Meeting.

  • The next meeting of the Membership will be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Trustees meetings will be held on a monthly basis, with the next Trustees meeting on

9. Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

10. Presentation

  • Following the meeting, a presentation was made by Jerry Snyder entitled “Finding and Preserving a 1917 Amsterdam Trolley Car.” This highly informative presentation covered the history of the local trolley and train service in the Amsterdam area, and extensive efforts by dedicated individuals to preserve both the historical knowledge, and a trolley car, which appears to be one the trolley cars that ran on the tracks in our City.

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